Friday, June 24, 2011


Hi, I'm PaintedToes!  And welcome to my Blog :)

I'm the proud owner of a StinkyMutt,

 mama to two beautiful lil Curly Q's,

and the loving wife of CombatBoots. 

And this blog is an effort at helping me maintain my sanity.  The exact reasons for why I'm currently feeling insane will come out in my next blog, but for now, I'll write a bit more about myself and my family.

I've been with my husband, literally, half my life.  We both turn 30 this year (cringe!) and are high school sweethearts who've been togehter since the wonderfully young age of 15!  Yes, I said 15 LOL.  In fact, as of next week, we'll have been married a whole whopping 10 years, too.  I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by...

StinkyMutt and the two CurlyQ's are all around the same age... 6 and a half (SM), 7 (CQ1) and 6 (CQ2) respectively.  Like the acronyms?  I thought they'd be cute :)  I work as a professional educator and attempt to try my hand at domestic type things when I have the chance.  It's summer now, so perhaps I shall have a free moment or two and blab about that with you guys as well!

And last but not least, there's my beautiful CombatBoots.  He is the reason I've decided to start this blog.  I honestly have reached a point where I'm not sure what else to do... and all my life I've been the type that when all else fails, and I've lost my way with everything else in the world.... when I feel like I can't do anything else but laugh or cry, well... it's then that writing brings me back to where I need to be.  Thus, the journey begins.  Thanks for joining me, and I really appreciate the fact that you've decided to come along for the ride. 

Buckle your seatbelts, folks!  It's gonna be a bumpy, shaky, rickety, and uncertain one.....

1 comment:

  1. The Combat PTSD Veteran will drive you crazy if you let us! I am the founder of the Coalition of Combat PTSD Bloggers, I work with Family of a Vet and others with our grassroots efforts. Would you consider joining our coalition, all that would be required is what you are already doing...blogging! We have a badge for you if you want to join, welcome to the milblogging community!
